Florian Budke nahm sich letzten Sommer die Zeit um einen Skateguide der etwas anderen Art, abseits stumpfen Handyfotos von Spots, zu erstellen. Die erste Issue von „Ar/KATE“ wird hier Mannheim gewidmet und portraitiert die Stadt aus einer Sicht, die wohl nur Skateboarder so wahrnehmen.
„Architecture influences and shapes the creativity and type of skating. It creates the setting and is also part of the action. It is environment as well as obstacle. Skateboarding itself transforms and reinterprets the built environment and its architectural elements. Also the perception of urban fabric by skaters is different from city impressions non-skating people have – because skaters are always on the run for new skate spots. So every architectural or street object is scanned for its »skateable« potential. Skate parks are trying more and more to imitate these architectural elements, but often it is nothing more than an attempt. The real character of street skating takes place in real confrontation with real architecture in real city settings. Architecture affects the scene, the vibe and the feeling during the skaters stay. The act of skateboarding is deeply connected to the built environment.“
Mit diesem Projekt ist Florian nun auf der Kickstarter-Plattform gelandet, bei dem es nun um die Finanzierung des Ganzen geht.
Florian könnt ihr nun HIER in seinem Vorhaben unterstützen.